January 2025: Status of Cleanups
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (“NJDEP”), the City of Jersey City, PPG and the Site Administrator agreed on a process for the release of PPG chromium sites or portions of sites from jurisdiction of the court under a 2009 judicial consent order.
Sites or portions of sites are released whenever PPG meets NJDEP cleanup requirements for soil, groundwater or both.
In some NJDEP-approved closures, PPG performed the cleanup action to the most rigorous applicable standards and no further action is required. These are referred to as “unrestricted-use” approvals.
For other approved closures, some chromium-impacted material remains at levels that exceed the standards for unrestricted use of the property. These are referred to as “restricted-use” approvals. In a restricted-use approval, remediation professionals licensed by the Site Remediation Professional Licensing Board (known as “licensed site remediation professionals” or “LSRPs”) maintain oversight to make certain that conditions prevent exposure to the impacted material that is left behind.
As of January 2025, 31 PPG chromium sites or portions of sites have been released from the consent order with unrestricted or restricted approvals. There are 8 PPG chromium sites that require further action on the soil and/or groundwater before they can be released from the consent order.
31 |
Number of sites or portions of sites released from judicial consent order. Click here for a list of sites. |
8 |
Number of sites requiring further action. Click here for a list of sites. |